LinkedIn InMail Guide [2024]: Credits, Costs, and Sending Limits

September 16, 2024

  • 15min

  • LinkedIn Premium


LinkedIn is an essential tool for professionals looking to expand their networks, engage with potential clients, or explore job opportunities. A standout feature of LinkedIn is InMail, which allows you to send messages directly to users who are not in your immediate network. However, with limitations on InMail credits, monthly allocations, and sending restrictions, navigating the best way to use InMails can be complex.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about InMails on LinkedIn—how many you can send, when to send them, and how to maximize your outreach. Plus, learn how EdenReach can help you send unlimited InMails, write compelling messages, and streamline your prospecting strategy for optimal results.

1. What is LinkedIn InMail?

LinkedIn InMail is a premium messaging feature that allows you to send direct messages to LinkedIn members who are not part of your immediate network. Unlike regular LinkedIn messages, which can only be sent to your first-degree connections, InMails let you reach anyone on the platform, making it a powerful tool for networking, job hunting, sales prospecting, and professional outreach.

LinkedIn Premium inMail
LinkedIn InMail

1.1 What Are InMail Credits?

InMail credits are essentially the currency you use to send InMails on LinkedIn. They are included with LinkedIn’s premium plans, such as LinkedIn Premium Career, Premium Business, Sales Navigator, and Recruiter Lite. The number of credits you receive depends on your subscription type:

  • LinkedIn Premium Career: 5 InMail credits per month
  • LinkedIn Premium Business: 15 InMail credits per month
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: 50 InMail credits per month
  • LinkedIn Recruiter Lite: 30 InMail credits per month

How to get linkedin inmails credits
LinkedIn InMails Credits

These credits are allocated monthly, and they are vital for users who frequently need to reach out beyond their immediate connections. InMail credits are renewed each billing cycle, and some plans allow unused credits to roll over to the next month, up to a specified limit.

1.2 Different Types of InMails

Types of linkedin inmails
Types of LinkedIn InMails

LinkedIn offers various types of InMails, each serving different purposes depending on the user’s needs:

  1. Standard InMails: These are the typical InMails used for outreach to anyone outside your network. They use InMail credits and are included with premium subscriptions. Standard InMails are best for personal outreach, sales prospecting, recruiting, or networking.
  2. Sponsored InMails (Message Ads): These are paid InMails that do not use your personal InMail credits but are part of LinkedIn’s advertising options. Sponsored InMails are sent directly to LinkedIn users based on targeting criteria, making them ideal for marketing campaigns and brand promotions.
  3. Open Profile InMails: If a LinkedIn user has an Open Profile, you can send them an InMail without using any of your InMail credits. This feature is available to premium LinkedIn members and is a valuable way to save credits while still reaching high-value contacts.
  4. Recruiter InMails: Exclusive to LinkedIn Recruiter and Recruiter Lite accounts, these InMails are designed for recruiters to connect with potential candidates. They come with advanced tracking features, making it easier to manage candidate outreach and engagement.

The Importance of InMails for Professional Networking

InMails play a significant role in LinkedIn’s value as a networking tool, especially for professionals who need to go beyond their existing connections. Here are some key reasons why InMails are important:

  1. Direct Access to Decision-Makers: InMails allow you to reach out directly to key individuals, such as hiring managers, executives, or potential business partners, who might not be accessible through traditional LinkedIn messages.
  2. Higher Response Rates: According to LinkedIn, InMails have higher response rates compared to regular cold emails. This is because they come directly through the LinkedIn platform, where recipients are already in a professional mindset and more open to relevant opportunities.
  3. Enhanced Personalization: InMails provide an opportunity to craft personalized messages that stand out. You can refer to the recipient’s LinkedIn profile, recent posts, or mutual connections to make your outreach more relevant and engaging, which increases the chances of getting a reply. EdenReach automates this process for you by using AI to create highly personalized messages, saving you time and increasing response rates. See more about how EdenReach can enhance your InMail strategy here.
  4. Professional Reputation: Using InMails can enhance your professional image on LinkedIn. When you send an InMail, recipients see your full profile, including endorsements, recommendations, and professional achievements, which helps establish credibility and trust.
  5. Versatile Use Cases: InMails are not just for sales; they are also used for recruiting, job searching, partnership proposals, and networking with industry experts. This versatility makes InMails a valuable tool for a wide range of LinkedIn users.

By leveraging LinkedIn InMails, you can significantly expand your networking capabilities, increase your professional connections, and reach your target audience more effectively. Whether you are a job seeker, a salesperson, or a recruiter, mastering the use of InMails can give you a competitive edge in reaching your LinkedIn goals.

2. How to Get InMail Credits

LinkedIn InMail credits are essential for sending messages to users outside your direct connections. Understanding how to obtain these credits and manage them effectively is crucial for maximizing your LinkedIn outreach efforts.

2.1 LinkedIn Premium Plans and InMail Allocations

LinkedIn Premium Plans

LinkedIn offers various premium plans that include InMail credits as part of their subscription benefits. Here’s an overview of the main plans and the InMail credits they provide:

  • LinkedIn Premium Career: This plan is tailored for job seekers and professionals looking to advance their careers. It includes 5 InMail credits per month, allowing users to reach out to potential employers or industry professionals directly.
  • LinkedIn Premium Business: Designed for professionals and business owners who want to grow their networks, this plan provides 15 InMail credits per month. It offers more flexibility for networking and business development compared to the Career plan.
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: Ideal for sales professionals, this plan offers 50 InMail credits per month. It also includes advanced search filters and lead recommendations to help sales teams target the right prospects.
  • LinkedIn Recruiter Lite: Geared towards recruiters and HR professionals, this plan includes 30 InMail credits per month. It is designed to help recruiters connect with top talent directly, beyond their existing network.

Each of these plans allows users to send a set number of InMails per month, making it easier to connect with key contacts on LinkedIn. The specific number of credits provided depends on the plan, so choosing the right subscription based on your needs is important.

2.2 Purchasing Additional InMail Credits: Costs and Limitations

While LinkedIn’s premium plans provide a set number of InMail credits each month, there are specific limitations and options when it comes to purchasing additional credits. Here’s what you need to know:

2.2.1 Can You Buy Additional InMail Credits?

cost of inmails
Buy extra inmails

Not all LinkedIn premium plans allow you to buy extra InMail credits. For users of LinkedIn Premium Career and Premium Business plans, purchasing extra credits is not available. You are limited to the credits provided each month, making it important to use them wisely.

2.2.2 Sales Navigator and Recruiter Plans

If you have a Sales Navigator or Recruiter Lite subscription, you may have the option to purchase additional InMail credits. This feature can be useful for users who need to exceed their monthly credit limit due to high-volume outreach needs.

2.2.3 Costs of Extra InMails

The cost of buying additional InMail credits varies and is usually set by LinkedIn. These costs can change, so it's best to check the latest pricing details within your Sales Navigator or Recruiter Lite account.

2.2..4 Limitations and Restrictions

It’s important to note that even for plans that allow the purchase of extra credits, there may be limitations on how many credits you can buy. LinkedIn has policies in place to prevent abuse and ensure fair usage, which means you should always be mindful of your outreach volume.

Understanding these costs and limitations helps you better manage your InMail strategy, ensuring you get the most value out of your LinkedIn subscription.

3. What Are the Monthly InMail Credit Limits?

Understanding the monthly InMail credit limits is crucial for effectively managing your LinkedIn outreach. Each LinkedIn premium plan provides a different allocation of InMail credits, and knowing how these credits work, roll over, and expire will help you make the most of your subscription.

3.1 Credit Allocations Based on Subscription Type

LinkedIn offers several premium plans, each with its own set of InMail credits. Here’s a quick overview of the monthly credit allocations for popular LinkedIn subscriptions:

  • LinkedIn Premium Career: 5 InMail credits per month. This plan is geared towards job seekers and professionals who need occasional access to InMails.
  • LinkedIn Premium Business: 15 InMail credits per month. Ideal for business owners and professionals looking to expand their networks with direct outreach.
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator: 50 InMail credits per month. This plan provides the highest number of credits, making it perfect for sales professionals who rely heavily on InMails for lead generation.
  • LinkedIn Recruiter Lite: 30 InMail credits per month. Tailored for recruiters, this plan helps you connect with potential candidates directly, making your hiring process more efficient.

These credits are provided at the start of each billing cycle, giving you a set number of opportunities to reach out to professionals beyond your immediate network.

3.2 How Credits Roll Over and Expire

One important aspect of InMail credits is how they roll over and expire. LinkedIn allows some unused credits to roll over to the next month, but there are specific limits based on your subscription type:


If you don’t use all your credits in a given month, some plans allow you to carry them over to the next month. Here’s how rollovers work for each plan:

  • LinkedIn Premium Career: Allows up to 15 credits to roll over.
  • LinkedIn Premium Business: Allows up to 45 credits to roll over.
  • Sales Navigator: Unused credits can roll over for up to 90 days, with a maximum of 150 credits allowed to roll over at any time.
  • Recruiter Lite: Similar to Sales Navigator, unused credits can roll over for up to 90 days, with a cap of 90 credits that can be carried forward.

These caps mean that while credits can accumulate, they will not do so indefinitely. It’s essential to monitor your credit balance and plan your outreach to make the most of the rollovers before they reach the cap.


Credits that are rolled over will eventually expire if not used within the allowed timeframe:

  • Sales Navigator and Recruiter Lite: Rollover credits must be used within 90 days; otherwise, they will expire.
  • Other Plans: Expiry terms can vary, so checking your account details or LinkedIn’s support resources is essential to avoid losing credits.

This means you need to keep track of your credits and use them strategically before they expire to avoid wasting valuable outreach opportunities.

4. How Many InMails Can You Send?

Each LinkedIn premium plan comes with a set number of InMail credits, and understanding the factors that affect your overall InMail quota is essential for effective outreach.

4.1 InMail Limits Explained

The number of InMails you can send depends on your monthly credits, which are allocated based on your subscription type. For users with plans that allow credit rollovers, your monthly limit can be temporarily increased, giving you more flexibility during high-demand periods.

4.2 Factors That Impact Your InMail Quota

  1. Credit Rollover: Unused credits can roll over to the next month within specific limits, temporarily boosting your InMail sending capacity.
  2. Open Profiles: Sending InMails to Open Profiles allows you to message these users without using your credits, extending your reach without affecting your quota.
  3. Response Rewards: LinkedIn may reward you with extra credits if your InMails receive positive responses, effectively increasing your quota for future outreach.
  4. Additional Purchases: Some plans allow you to buy more credits if needed, although this option isn’t available for all subscription types.

5. How to Send Unlimited InMails

Sending unlimited InMails on LinkedIn is achievable by leveraging specific strategies with EdenReach. By identifying Open Profiles, automating your outreach with smart sequences, and optimizing your messaging with AI, EdenReach helps you maximize your InMail potential.

5.1 Identifying Open Profiles for Free Messaging

Send unlimited inmails

Open Profiles allow LinkedIn premium users to receive messages without using InMail credits. EdenReach simplifies this process by identifying and targeting these profiles in bulk, making it easier for you to reach out without depleting your credits. Here’s how it works:

Export Leads from Sales Navigator: Start by exporting your leads from Sales Navigator searches, lead lists, or account lists directly into your EdenReach account. This step ensures that all your target contacts are ready for further processing.

Export leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator using chrome extension

Filter Leads with Open Profiles: Once your leads are imported into EdenReach, use the filtering options to identify those with Open Profiles. This filter quickly isolates the contacts you can message for free, saving valuable InMail credits.

Filter by open profile

By using EdenReach’s Open Profile filter, you can send messages directly to these leads without any cost, effectively expanding your LinkedIn outreach.

5.2 Automate Outreach with Smart Sequences

Smart sequences in EdenReach automate your outreach by automatically sending InMails, messages, and connection invitations, engaging your leads at the right time without any manual effort. Here’s how to set it up:

Add Leads to a Sequence: After filtering your leads with Open Profiles, the next step is to add them to a sequence. A sequence is an automated workflow that sends messages based on predefined rules and schedules.

Create a Sequence: Before adding leads, create a new sequence in EdenReach. There are different types of sequences, such as InMail-only, email plus InMail, or multi-step sequences that combine various touchpoints. For this example, we’ll focus on an InMail-only sequence.

Configure Your Sequence: When setting up your sequence, you can choose to generate InMails using AI templates or use a static InMail template with personalized variables like first name, last name, and company name.

- AI Template: Generate personalized InMails automatically using EdenReach’s AI to craft messages tailored to your prospects. (See article Write LinkedIn Cold InMail with AI.)

- Static InMail: Use a pre-written template that includes dynamic fields to personalize each message automatically.

Activate the Sequence: Once configured, activate your sequence, and EdenReach will handle the rest. Messages will be sent according to the set rules, ensuring timely and consistent outreach to your prospects.

Ready to Unlock Unlimited InMails?

Take your LinkedIn outreach to the next level. Start using EdenReach today and experience the power of unlimited InMails!

5.3 Use AI to Optimize InMail Strategy

EdenReach’s AI-driven approach helps you craft effective InMails tailored to your audience. By leveraging AI templates, you can create messages that resonate with your prospects, increasing the likelihood of responses.

For more insights on writing impactful InMails with AI, see the article Write LinkedIn Cold InMail with AI.

6. Writing InMails That Get Replies

Crafting compelling InMails is essential to capture your prospect’s attention and get a response. Below are actionable tips and proven strategies to enhance your InMail outreach and boost response rates.

6.1 Tips for Crafting Engaging InMails

Keep Your Goal in Mind: The primary aim of your first InMail is to open a conversation, not to sell or ask for favors immediately. Focus on building rapport and sparking interest, whether your goal is networking, career growth, or sales. Avoid direct pitches; instead, establish a connection that can lead to further dialogue.

Create a Captivating Subject Line: The subject line is your first opportunity to catch your prospect’s attention. Avoid generic, boring lines; instead, be creative and specific. A unique subject line like “Quick Question About Your Recent Post” or “Ideas to Improve [Topic]” can significantly improve open rates.

Personalize Your InMail: Personalization goes a long way. Before reaching out, research your prospect—check their profile, recent activities, or any shared interests. Mention something specific about them to make your message stand out. This shows you’ve done your homework and are genuinely interested in connecting.

Use the RABT Strategy (Reason, Ask, Benefit, Tease):

  1. Reason: Start by explaining why you’re reaching out. Reference a mutual connection, industry trend, or relevant topic to make your approach feel tailored.
  2. Ask: Clearly state your request—whether it’s for a quick chat, feedback, or a meeting. Keep it simple and direct.
  3. Benefit: Highlight how engaging with you can benefit the prospect. Focus on how you can help or add value to their professional journey.
  4. Tease: End with a teaser that invites curiosity, encouraging the recipient to respond to learn more.

Keep It Short and Clear: A concise InMail gets noticed. Prospects are busy and receive numerous messages daily, so get to the point quickly. A clear and brief message increases the chance of it being read and responded to.

Add a Touch of Humor: Including light humor can make your message feel more human and engaging. It helps break the ice and sets a positive tone for future communications. Use humor naturally and sparingly—don’t force it if it doesn’t fit your style.

Time Your Outreach Wisely: Timing matters. Sending InMails during working hours, especially between 9 am and 11 am on weekdays, tends to yield better response rates. Experiment with different times, but generally, avoid weekends when prospects are less likely to check LinkedIn.

Include a Clear Call to Action (CTA): Make sure the recipient knows what you want them to do next. Whether it’s scheduling a call, replying to the message, or joining a webinar, a direct CTA increases the likelihood of engagement.

Offer Value: Your InMail should clearly communicate the value you bring. Whether it’s sharing insights, offering a solution, or highlighting mutual benefits, showing the recipient what’s in it for them helps build trust and opens doors to further conversations.

6.2 Leverage AI Templates for Personalized Outreach

EdenReach’s AI templates take personalized InMail outreach to the next level, allowing you to customize messages based on various factors, including tone, strategy, and the lead’s profile information. Here’s how you can configure the AI template to craft effective InMails:

  • Choose an AI Agent: Select a persona that suits your message, such as a marketer, salesperson, or content creator. This persona will guide the AI’s approach to crafting the InMail.
  • Set the AI Agent Mood: Adjust the emotional tone of your message by selecting a mood, such as funny, optimistic, or motivated, to match your intended communication style.
  • Select the Language: Specify the language in which the AI should compose the message, or opt for automatic language detection based on the lead’s profile language.
  • Pick a Writing Strategy: Choose from writing strategies like RABT (Reason, Ask, Benefit, Tease), AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action), or PAS (Problem, Agitation, Solution) to determine the structure and flow of your message.
  • Provide Context to the AI: Share key details about your product, job offer, or any relevant information to help the AI tailor the message to your specific needs.
  • Adjust Creativity with Temperature: Control the creativity level of the generated message by setting the temperature. A lower temperature (0) results in more focused and coherent messages, while a higher temperature (1) produces more creative and varied content.
  • Add a Call to Action (CTA): Decide if you want to include a CTA in your message to encourage the recipient to take a specific action, such as contacting you or clicking a link. Customize the CTA details to match your objective.
  • Include a Message Footer: Optionally, add a footer with your name, title, contact information, or any additional details to give your message a professional touch.
  • Personalize with Lead Information: Customize the message based on the lead’s experiences, biography, skills, or education. The AI will use these elements to make the message feel tailored and relevant.

By configuring these elements, EdenReach’s AI templates enable you to create engaging, personalized InMails that resonate with your leads, helping you build connections that drive results.

7. Best Time to Send InMails for Maximum Impact

Timing plays a critical role in maximizing the response rates of your LinkedIn InMails. Understanding the best days and times to send your messages, along with insights into LinkedIn user behavior, can help you improve the effectiveness of your outreach.

7.1 Optimal Days and Times to Send InMails

Choosing the right day to send your InMail can make a difference in how quickly and effectively you receive a response. Here are some key insights:

  1. Best Days to Send InMails: Monday is the optimal day for sending InMails, with the highest response rates compared to other days of the week. However, the difference is not dramatic—InMails sent between Sunday and Thursday perform within about 1% of the global average.
  2. Avoid Fridays and Saturdays: Response rates drop significantly on Fridays and Saturdays. InMails sent on Saturday have 8% fewer responses than average, making it the worst day to send messages. Fridays are slightly better but still fall 4% below average response rates. If you’re considering sending an InMail on a Friday afternoon, it’s better to schedule it for Monday morning to ensure better engagement.
  3. Midweek Popularity: The middle of the week, specifically Tuesday to Thursday, is a popular time for sending InMails. Professionals are more likely to check their LinkedIn accounts during work hours in the middle of the week, which contributes to higher response rates during these days.

8. Multichannel Outreach: Beyond InMails

To maximize your outreach efforts, it’s best to adopt a multichannel approach that combines emails, InMails, and LinkedIn messaging. By strategically using these communication methods, you can engage prospects more effectively and increase your chances of building valuable connections.

8.1 Combining InMails, Emails, and LinkedIn Messaging

A successful multichannel strategy begins with email outreach, followed by InMails, and finally, LinkedIn invitations and messages. This approach ensures you connect with prospects on multiple levels, making your outreach more comprehensive and impactful:

  1. Start with Email: Initiating contact through email allows you to make the first impression outside of LinkedIn, often reaching prospects in a less crowded space. Emails are perfect for detailed introductions, sharing valuable content, or offering insights that can spark interest. EdenReach simplifies this process by finding verified emails of your prospects when you export leads, giving you accurate contact information to start your outreach.
  2. Follow Up with InMail: After sending an initial email, follow up with an InMail to create a second touchpoint. Referencing your previous email in the InMail can help reinforce your message and remind the prospect of your earlier contact, enhancing the chances of a response.
  3. Send a Connection Request and Continue with LinkedIn Messages: Once you’ve made contact through email and InMail, send a connection request to establish a direct link on LinkedIn. After your request is accepted, continue the conversation through LinkedIn messaging, which allows you to maintain regular communication without using additional InMail credits.

8.2 Finding Verified Emails of Prospects Before InMail Outreach

You can easily find verified emails of your prospects using EdenReach before reaching out on LinkedIn. Simply export your leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator into EdenReach, and the platform will automatically search for and verify their emails, providing you with accurate contact information.

For a detailed guide on how to find emails from Sales Navigator, see the article How to Find Emails from Sales Navigator.


What are InMail credits on LinkedIn?

InMail credits are a type of currency included with LinkedIn’s premium plans that allow you to send messages to users outside of your network. The number of credits varies by plan.

How many InMail credits do I get per month?

The number of InMail credits per month depends on your LinkedIn plan: Premium Career offers 5 credits, Premium Business 15 credits, Sales Navigator 50 credits, and Recruiter Lite 30 credits.

How can I get more InMail credits?

You can get more InMail credits by upgrading to a higher LinkedIn premium plan or purchasing additional credits if your plan allows. EdenReach helps maximize your outreach by identifying Open Profiles that don’t require credits.

How many InMails can I send on LinkedIn?

The number of InMails you can send depends on your available credits and any rollovers allowed by your plan. Using EdenReach can help optimize your use of InMails by automating messaging to the right contacts.

What is the difference between LinkedIn InMail and messages?

InMails allow you to message users outside your network using credits, while LinkedIn messages can only be sent to your first-degree connections without using credits.

How do I find verified emails of prospects before sending InMails?

Use EdenReach to find verified emails by exporting your leads from Sales Navigator, allowing you to reach out via email first for a warmer approach. See the article How to Find Emails from Sales Navigator for more details.

What is the cost of LinkedIn InMails?

The cost of LinkedIn InMails varies depending on your subscription. Some plans allow for the purchase of additional credits, while others do not. For exact pricing, check your LinkedIn premium plan details.

What are the best times to send InMails on LinkedIn?

The best days to send InMails are Mondays to Thursdays, particularly in the mornings. Avoid sending on Fridays and Saturdays as response rates are lower.

Can I send unlimited InMails on LinkedIn?

LinkedIn does not allow unlimited InMails by default, but EdenReach helps you extend your outreach by targeting Open Profiles and automating sequences to maximize your contact potential.

How do I use InMail templates on LinkedIn?

InMail templates help streamline your messaging by providing pre-written content that can be customized. EdenReach offers AI-driven templates that can be tailored to your prospect’s profile, making outreach more efficient and effective.

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