Refresh Your B2B Sales Database
with Fresh LinkedIn Leads Data

Boost your sales strategy by incorporating the freshest LinkedIn leads data into your pipeline

Try with free Lifetime credits
No card required
All features are free
Over 1,000 organizations trust as their prospection solution

One-Click Lead Refresh for
Efficient B2B Prospecting

Upload or Paste LinkedIn URLs

Kickstart your lead extraction process by simply uploading a CSV file filled with LinkedIn profile URLs, or manually paste them.
Try now

Extract Detailed Leads Information

Upon submitting your list of LinkedIn profile URLs, EdenReach efficiently extracts, cleans, and enriches each lead's information. Advanced algorithms assess and score each profile, providing you with refined and actionable insights for your outreach strategy.

Unleash Outreach Potential and Insights with Edenreach's Advanced Features

Lead Cleaning

Automatically refine your lead data by eliminating unnecessary or erroneous characters.

AI Lead Scoring

Streamline your strategy by focusing on high-potential leads, scored and ranked by Edenreach AI for optimal engagement.

Lead Qualification

Precisely match your search criteria by qualifying leads through advanced algorithms, ensuring each contact meets your exact needs for more effective outreach.

Craft AI-Driven Outreach Messages & inMails

Leverage Edenreach's AI to generate personalized outreach messages, increasing replies and enhancing your lead engagement strategy.

Email Finder

Edenreach accurately identifies and verifies professional email addresses for each lead, ensuring your outreach connects directly with your intended audience.

Just Click Import Leads &
We Handle the Rest

Slash Your LinkedIn Prospecting Time
90% with !

Supreme Time Efficiency

Transform days of manual research into minutes with Edenreach’s streamlined process, leaving more time for meaningful sales activities

Accelerated Market Penetration

Quickly identify and connect with key decision-makers in your target market, significantly reducing the time to market for your products or services.

AI-Boosted Insights

Leverage the power of AI to gain deep insights into each prospect, turning cold outreach into warm conversations.

Greater Conversion Opportunities

With leads that are not just leads but pre-qualified prospects, watch as your conversion rates soar to new heights.

Streamlined Sales Pipeline

Seamlessly sync leads to your preferred CRM system, ensuring a smooth transition from prospecting to closing.

Continuous Improvement Loop

With Edenreach’s AI continuously learning from your preferences and outcomes, your lead generation process gets smarter and more effective over time.

Join 1,000s of institutions & professionals powering their leads extraction experiences with EdenReach

Using Edenreach to update our B2B database with fresh LinkedIn leads has been a breakthrough. The accuracy and depth of data available have empowered our sales team to perform at their best. It's an indispensable tool for sales operations.

Charlie Foster
Sales Operations Manager

We had an old lead database that was gathering dust. By simply uploading their LinkedIn URLs to Edenreach, we were able to refresh our entire list with the most current data available. This has empowered us to re-engage with these leads effectively, significantly improving our outreach success rate

Kurt Morrison
Business Developer

Edenreach's feature to refresh leads from LinkedIn directly into our database has been pivotal. We've seen a notable increase in response rates and engagement since we started using this tool. It's essential for anyone in lead generation.

Ricardo Andres
Marketing Director


We've compiled a list of common questions to help you maximize your experience with Edenreach. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to us for support.

Do I need Sales Navigator to refresh my lead list?

No, you just need to install the EdenReach Chrome extension and upload your CSV with the LinkedIn profile URLs.

Can I reintegrate the updated data into my CRM?

Yes, simply click the export button and choose your preferred download method, either Excel or directly to your CRM.

How many leads can I refresh or extract?

You can refresh or extract as many leads as your credits allow, with 2000 free credits provided upon registration.

What data is extracted for each lead?

Edenreach extracts over 40 data points about each lead to provide you with a comprehensive and complete view. Additionally, you can find their professional email address and automatically generate a prospecting message using our AI.

Is using Edenreach safe for my LinkedIn account?

Yes, Edenreach is designed with the safety of your LinkedIn account in mind. Our platform utilizes advanced algorithms that mimic human behavior to extract leads. We prioritize your account's security and compliance with LinkedIn's guidelines, ensuring that your lead generation activities are both effective and secure.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Prospecting?

Join Edenreach Today and Start Transforming Your Lead Generation and Engagement Strategies