Transform LinkedIn Sales Navigator Leads
into   High Value Connections with
AI-Powered Automation

Export highly qualified leads from LinkedIn Sales Navigator, build  highly qualified lead list at scale, find verified emails and generate AI-personalized inMails for impactful outreach.

Try with free Lifetime credits
No card required
All features are free
Over 1,000 organizations trust as their prospection solution

The fastest way to get highly qualified lead
that get instant replies

Export highly Qualified leads from Sales Navigator

Effortlessly export targeted leads from Sales Navigator directly into Edenreach, streamlining your lead generation process and saving you valuable time

Generate AI-Driven messages that get replies

Use advanced AI to craft personalized outreach messages that engage and elicit responses from your prospects, enhancing your communication effectiveness.

Automate Prospecting with Intelligent Sequences

Accelerate your prospecting with Edenreach’s AI-driven sequences that automate your outreach on LinkedIn. Save time by automating repetitive tasks, scale your efforts

Scale Your Business & Amplify Growth with
Smart Outreach

Embrace the power of Edenreach to revolutionize your outreach efforts, enabling a seamless scaling process and robust business growth through advanced AI-driven prospection.

LinkedIn Sales Navigator won't help you quicky acquire customers if you ...

Lack of insight into whether your leads are qualified
Are unaware of the engagement scores of your leads
Struggle with lead data that's messy or outdated
Spend hours manually writing  inMails for each lead
Lack email addresses for your leads
Manually export leads from Sales Navigator
Not automating your prospection
Not leveraging the power of AI transform these obstacles into opportunities


Linkedin AI Prospecting Solution

Export leads from Sales Navigator

With just one click using our Chrome extension, export leads directly from Sales Navigator into Edenreach. This seamless integration streamlines your prospecting process, making it quicker and more efficient, ultimately accelerating your business growth.

Export lead list to Excel or Sync with your CRM

Easily export your lead lists to Excel or sync them with over 100 apps through our Zapier integration.

Drop a CSV and Get Fresh Leads Data

Simply drop a CSV file containing LinkedIn profile URLs and receive up-to-date data and emails for each. This capability saves time and enhances the accuracy of your lead data, supporting more informed business strategies and outreach campaigns.

AI Leads Scoring

Discover your most engaging prospects effortlessly with EdenReach AI, which scores each lead's potential for meaningful connections.

Lead Qualification

Automatically qualify your leads to align with your precise criteria, enhancing the relevance of Sales Navigator results.

Lead Cleaning

Automatically clean lead details such as job title, company name, first name, and last name for clearer, more accurate data.

Lead Enrichment

Boost your leads with key details such as company info, personal data, social media links, and more for a comprehensive profile view.

AI-Powered Outreach Message Generator

Generate personalized outreach messages for each lead with our AI-powered tool. This feature ensures higher engagement rates and stronger connections with potential clients, significantly boosting your sales and business development efforts.

Lead Email Finder

Find accurate email addresses for your leads quickly, boosting your chances of making successful connections.

Powerful Automation for the Entire Sales Funnel on LinkedIn Powered by AI

Automate and optimize your entire sales process with sequences that handle everything from initial contact to follow-up, ensuring consistent engagement and higher conversion rates.

Join 1,000s of institutions & professionals powering their prospection experiences with EdenReach

Using Edenreach's AI messaging, I've seen a 50% increase in lead responses - it's a game changer for my sales strategy

Alexander F.
Business developer

The lead qualification tool has sharpened my prospect list, focusing my efforts on the most promising leads

Olivia S.
Head of sales

With Edenreach lead extraction from Sales Navigator, I've tripled my prospect list in no time !!

Liam D.


We've compiled a list of common questions to help you maximize your experience with EdenReach. Can't find the answer you're looking for? Reach out to us for support.

Why should I use Edenreach instead of other LinkedIn automation tools?

Compared to other tools on the market, which may be incomplete, difficult to use, or technically limited, Edenreach offers a comprehensive solution. It is a no-code, user-friendly platform that integrates powerful AI functionalities, providing a complete set of features for effective LinkedIn outreach and lead management.
This makes Edenreach uniquely equipped to enhance your business's prospecting efficiency and success.

Why is it necessary to qualify my leads with Edenreach?

Lead qualification is crucial for ensuring your outreach efforts are directed toward the most relevant and promising prospects. Sales Navigator searches can sometimes yield results that don't perfectly match your search criteria, including leads with varying job titles or relevance levels.
Edenreach addresses this by qualifying the leads to ensure they precisely align with your search criteria. Additionally, Edenreach's scoring system enhances this process by evaluating leads based on their engagement potential, using advanced AI to analyze the lead's LinkedIn information. This scoring helps prioritize leads who are more likely to engage, making your prospecting efforts more focused and effective.

Why do I need to export leads from Sales Navigator?

Exporting leads from Sales Navigator to Edenreach is crucial for conducting effective outreach campaigns and getting replies. By transferring leads, you can utilize Edenreach's capabilities to clean, qualify, and score your leads, ensuring they align with your outreach objectives.
This process involves advanced AI to evaluate and enhance lead relevance and engagement potential.
Additionally, Edenreach aids in crafting personalized outreach messages tailored to each lead and finding their professional email addresses, significantly increasing your chances of receiving replies.
Plus, you can efficiently store and manage these optimized leads in Excel or your CRM, facilitating organized and impactful outreach efforts.

What is the limit for exporting leads from Sales Navigator?

There is no inherent limit to exporting leads from Sales Navigator apart from the number of export credits you have in your Edenreach account. Additionally, using Edenreach poses no risk to your LinkedIn account. Edenreach employs advanced algorithms designed to mimic human behavior, ensuring interactions remain natural and within LinkedIn's guidelines. By respecting LinkedIn's imposed rules and using subtle, human-like automation, Edenreach safeguards your account while optimizing your lead generation efforts.

How does Edenreach find a lead's email?

Edenreach employs various methods to find a lead's email address. First, we extract information directly from the LinkedIn profile if the lead has listed their email there. We also use pattern matching based on known company email formats, along with SMTP and catch-all checks to ensure email validity. Additionally, Edenreach integrates third-party services to broaden our search. Importantly, our email finder operates within GDPR guidelines to respect privacy and data protection standards, ensuring that your outreach remains compliant and respectful.

How is the AI outreach message generated?

The AI outreach message in Edenreach is generated using a sophisticated process. Firstly, users can generate AI messages directly within Sales Navigator or from the Edenreach interface after exporting leads. The generation of these messages relies on pre-configured AI Templates which are designed according to the user's specific outreach objectives.

To create a message, the AI utilizes LLM models, combining elements like the lead's professional information (experience, biography, skills, and educational background) with the context and tone specified in the AI Template. The user can influence the message's content by providing context, choosing the tone, and selecting specific lead information to include.

The final message is tailored to the lead, appearing as though the user has personally reviewed and referenced the lead's LinkedIn profile, thereby making the outreach more personalized and increasing the likelihood of a response. This method allows for a highly customized and efficient outreach process, streamlining the user's prospecting efforts while maintaining a high level of personalization.

What is a credit?

In Edenreach, a credit represents a unit of action that can be used within the platform. There are different types of credits based on the actions they enable:
Lead Export Credits: Used when you export a lead from Sales Navigator. For example, exporting 1000 leads consumes 1000 lead extract credits from your account.

Email Finder Credits: Deducted from your account each time Edenreach successfully identifies a professional email for a lead. No credits are used if no valid email is found.

AI Message Credits: Each time you generate a personalized outreach message using the AI feature, one AI message credit is used.

Credits allow you to manage how you use Edenreach's services, ensuring that you only consume resources as needed for your lead generation and outreach efforts.

Can I export my leads to Excel or my CRM?

Yes, with Edenreach, you can export your leads at any time to the tool of your choice, whether it's a spreadsheet or a third-party application using Zapier integration. This feature allows you to export your leads to over 1000 apps like HubSpot, Pipedrive, etc.
You can also select the specific fields you want to export from each lead, such as full name, job title, company, and professional email, enabling you to tailor the data to fit your needs for targeted campaigns.
This seamless integration allows for efficient campaign management and follow-ups, enhancing your CRM workflows and data management practices.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Prospecting?

Join Edenreach Today and Start Transforming Your Lead Generation and Engagement Strategies